Author Guidelines

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The article should correspond with the subject of management and/or entrepreneurship which is the result of quantitative or qualitative researches. The article must never be, and is not being, in the process of publication in any media. The article should be written in accordance with the following writing guidelines. This writing guide- lines consists of two parts, namely writing format and writing systematics.

  • Typing
    • The article should be typed using the Microsoft Word program, in Times New Roman letters with the size of 11 pt, single spaced (before = 0 pt, after = 0 pt), and double columns.
    • The paper size is A4. The boundary of upper, lower, and side margins are 3 cm.
    • The article’s length is around 10 pages (not including references and attachments).
    • The article should be written in good and correct American English.
  • Writing the article (Do not write any identity of authors in the article)
  • Title
    • Title is to be specific and clear.
    • Title should reflect the problem, illustrating the gap between Das Sein (reality) and Das sollen (Ideal). The relations between two variables that can be questioned, should be reflected in the title
  • Name of writer

Name of writer should be put under the title with his or her affiliation and email address.

  • Abstract

Abstract is a summary of the paper consisting of background, purpose, method, theoretical foundation if any, finding and conclusion. The abstract must be in accordance with the content of the paper/writing. The abstract should be translated into Indonesian Language and should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should also have keywords.

  • Introduction
  1. Introduction gives a brief description of the research background supported by accurate data. In this section, data represents empirical findings or facts.
  2. Introduction describes research questions and explains the significance of the writing in relation to previous writing or research. In this part, the writer should explain the position of his or her writing against or with the previous writings
  3. Introduction explains the significance of theory and method used in the writing. The writer can choose to explain both from deductive to inductive or vice versa.
  4. The writer should use Logic of language as the conjunction of the writing in order to make coherence of writing.
  • Method
  1. The writer should explain clearly the method being used in the writing/paper/research.
  2. The writer should explain the paradigm of the study and its significance with the problem being analysed.
  3. The writer should explain the approach being used in the writing for example historical approach, philological approach, sociological approach and so on plus its significance in the analysis.
  • Result and Discussion
  1. The writer should describe the findings (the problems) based on the accurate data and its impact on the study. In this section, the writer should describe the data without analysis but with accurate data.
  2. Display the Tables and pictures if any.
  3. The writer should state his or her findings clearly and explain the significance of the result with the study.
  4. The writer is to explain the relations of the findings with the research question(s)
  5. The writer is to explain limitation of the study in order to focus on the study
  6. The writer is free to choose the explanation or discussion from general to specific or vice versa (deductive to inductive or vice versa).
  7. The writer is to give a sub-title in order to make his or her discussion has a logical structure. The aim is that the findings can be discussed cohesively and can be analysed in-depth systematically and accurately
  8. The writer is to pay great attention to conjunction as logical language in the writing, which relates one idea to another to be understandable.
  • Conclusion

Conclusion explains in brief and accurate the relevance of many related variables in the study to come to a good conclusion as the last step of the writing.

  • Acknowledgement

Acknowledgment can be written (if any) to show that in the process of writing, the writer has been helped by some people. It is also ethical practices in writing to acknowledge people services in the study such as conducting in-depth interviews, doing observation, and gathering information. 

  • References
    • Should include all the sources used in the article.
    • The references should be from publications of the latest ten years and minimally 80% of them are taken from primary references (Journals and Patents).
    • The list of references should be arranged alphabetically according to authors’ last names (without academic degrees).
    • Utilize a reference manager application such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, or others.
    • Quotation source and list of references should comply with the system of American Psychological Association (APA), as follows:
  • Book with one author

Henry, A. (2011). Understanding strategic management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Book with two authors

Brigham, E. F., & Ehrhardt, M.C. (2010). Financial management: Theory & practice. Thirteen Edition. Boston: South-Western College Publishing.

  • Article from a book containing a compilation of articles

Moretti, E. (2011). Local labor market. In O. Ashenfelter, & D. Card (Eds.), Handbook of labor economics volume 4B (pp. 1237–1313). North Holland: Elsevier.

  • Book with no author

Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. (2013). Spring-field, MA: Merriam-Webster.

- Periodicals: jurnal and magazine

Weinberg, M. C. (2011). More evidence on the performance of merger simulations. American Eco- nomic Review, 101(3), 51–55.

  • Newspaper article with author

Schwartz, J. (2012, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. Al, A4.

  • Newspaper article with no author

New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (2012, July 15). The Wa- shington Post, p. A12.

  • Paper from Seminar, workshop, and training

Suharyadi, A. (2011). Mix-methods approach and attributed problems in impacts evaluation. A paper presented in the workshop: Impacts Evaluation in the Social Intervention Program, Depok, Indonesia.

  • Thesis, dissertation, research report

Johnson, T. L. (2011). Information in options markets. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Uni- versity of Stanford, Stanford.

  • Institution official document

Bursa Efek Indonesia. (2010). Directory of the Indonesian Capital Market: Supporting institutions and supporting professionals. Jakarta: Bursa Efek Indonesia.

  • Internet

Strauss, J. (2011). Global growth hits soft patch, expected to rebound. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from